Charting New Horizons: Advancements in Single-Cell Methylation Analysis

Guest Speaker:

Ronan Chaligné, PhD
Director, Single-cell Analytics Innovation Lab and Associate Lab Member

With Introductions by:

Melanie Masuda, Director of Market Development, Scale Biosciences

Vivek Kumar Mishra, Senior Regional Marketing Manager, Human Research Segment, Illumina

Monika Maleszweska, PhD Director, Product Management & Strategy at CareDx l Founder, BACE

Scale Biosciences, in collaboration with Illumina and the Bay Area Chromatin and Epigenomics Group (BACE) is proud to welcome Dr. Ronan Chaligné from the MSK Cancer Center. You will learn how the Single Cell Analytics Innovation Lab (SAIL), headed by Dr. Chaligné, has integrated single-cell methylation analysis as part of its omics profiling of cancer progression and response to therapy.

Ronan Chaligne Webinar cover

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